PTCE Pharmacy MCQ Exam Prep Key Features of this APP: • At practice mode you can see the explanation describing the correct answer.• Real exam style full mock exam with timed interface• Ability to create own quick mock by choosing the number of MCIs.• You can create your profile and see your result history with just one click.• This app contains large number of question set that covers all syllabus area.The PACE assesses knowledge critical to pharmacy technician practice organised into nine knowledge domains, each with a number of knowledge areas or sub-domains, as shown in the table below. Refer to the full blueprint for more detail. As an aid to those familiar with the previous blueprint, PCB provides a crosswalk to identify where knowledge listed under the previous blueprint is organised within the new PACE blueprint. Disclaimer: PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technician™, PTCB™, PTCE™, Pharmacy TechnicianCertification Exam™ and CPhT™ are registered trademarks of the PharmacyTechnician Certification Board™ (PTCB®) and administered exclusively by thePTCB®. This material is not endorsed or approved by the PTCB®.